Current District Superintendent
Dr. Tresa Dunbar
(312) 814-4464
Career and Technical Education:
This table displays the number of students who qualify as “participants” or “concentrators” in the state’s Career and Technical Education programs. Results may be disaggregated both based on the demographic characteristics of the students and each of the 25 career clusters that students can choose as a focus. Results with fewer than 10 students will be marked as “redacted”. Learn More
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 established a system of resources available to state education systems and a structure for assessing the success of those states in improving the outcomes of students pursuing what was referred to at the time as vocational education and is now known more broadly as career and technical education. Since 1998 there have been several updates and reauthorizations of the Perkins framework.
A CTE Participant is defined as a 9-12 student that has enrolled in at least one CTE course during the school year and has a course outcome of Pass, Fail, or Incomplete.
A CTE Cluster Participant is defined as a 9-12 student that has enrolled in at least one CTE course during the school year and has a course outcome of Pass, Fail, or Incomplete.
A CTE Concentrator is defined as a Program concentrator in at least one Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) in the CTE cluster during the student’s high school career. Program Concentrators are defined as students that passed 2 or more distinct Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, or Group 5 CTE courses in a single CIP during the student’s high school career. (Group 2, Group 3, etc. represent different classifications of CTE courses offered by high schools across the state.)
Note: At the state level all Perkins counts are unduplicated, which means each student only counts once towards a measure regardless of how many career clusters they may have qualified within during their high school years.