Current District Superintendent
Mr. Chad Jones
PO BOX 380
(309) 446-3378
Advanced Academic Programs:
This table shows the total number of students taking advanced academic programs in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 by year and type of coursework. Students may be enrolled in more than one type of advanced academic programs, but students are only counted once in the overall enrollment total. Learn More
Students may enroll in multiple AP courses during their time in high school. For Grade 12, the number of AP exams taken represents the cumulative total of exams taken by those students during all four of their high school years (grades 9, 10, 11, 12). Similarly, for Grade 12 the number of AP exams resulting in a score of 3.0 or higher, and thus eligible for college credit, represents the cumulative total during the 12th graders’ four years in high school. The numbers for Grades 10 and 11 are also cumulative. The Advanced Placement information is provided by the College Board.
Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and International Baccalaureate courses help to build the college level skills students need for success. These courses save time and money for students. Successful students may enter college with a semester or more worth of college credit, which means they may skip introductory courses, take fewer classes while enrolled in college, and pay less in tuition and fees. Completion of these rigorous courses in high school may also give students an edge in the applicant pools of highly selective colleges and universities.