Current District Superintendent
Mr. Richard Craven
PERU IL 61354
(815) 223-1111
Achievement Gap: IAR
The persistent difference in academic performance between different ethnic and racial groups, income levels, gender, and special student groups. Learn More
The display allows you to see the comparison of test results between demographic groups. The default screen view shows a summary of all grades and low income/non-low income comparison. You can select a subject by clicking on English Language Arts (ELA) or Math. You can select a specific grade by clicking on the Summary arrow, then click on the grade you want to view. You can also choose demographic groups for comparison by clicking on the box of your choice among the Compare options. You may need to scroll down to see all of the displays. If a selected group has fewer than 10 students, no comparison data will be shown.
Scroll over any of the bars on the graph to see the exact performance percentages. An N/A means that no comparison data is available for that specific subgroup.
For more information about the IAR assessment, see ISBE’s Assessment webpage.