Current District Superintendent
Craig Clark
400 S ELM ST
(618) 532-1907
Total Teachers:
The chart displays the race and gender distribution by FTE for teachers in this district. The bar on the left shows the distribution by race, while the more lightly shaded are on the right breaks down the distribution of gender within each race. Learn More
The chart displays the race and gender distribution by FTE for teachers in this district. The default state of the display is to show distribution by FTE, of full-time equivalent. FTE counts take into consideration employees who are employed less than full time, adding together the representative percentages of their level of employment (so 2 half time/.5 employees = 1FTE.) A toggle allows displays of the data by headcount, which does not take into consideration the percentages of employment and is therefore frequently higher than the FTE total (2 half time/.5 employees = 2.).
Information is gathered about the race/ethnicity of school and district teachers. The percentage of male and female teachers is also compiled.